When you think about the most important piece of furniture in your office, you may immediately think of your desk. After all, it provides a dedicated space to organize your documents and office accessories and get your work done. But with the exception of standing desks, there’s a more important piece of office furniture required to use the desk in the first place—your office chair. The average American spends 12 hours a day sitting, and for office workers like you, the bulk of that time is spent sitting in an office chair. Choosing the right chair for your office is essential, but how do you find it? Office Furniture Expo has a few words of advice.

Understand the benefits of a proper chair

In order to choose the right chair, you need to understand your office chair is more than just a place to sit; making use of a well-designed chair comes with a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Less back strain
  • Reduced fatigue and discomfort
  • Increased productivity
  • Fewer breaks

Because a proper office chair promotes good posture, the reduced strain to your hips, back, and neck is a huge boon to your overall productivity. When you’re comfortable, you’re a lot less likely to take frequent breaks just for the sake of stretching, allowing you to give your work your undivided attention. You’re also likely to have more energy and be in a better mood overall.

What to keep an eye out for

While it’s tempting to choose a chair that appeals to your aesthetic tastes and office décor, it’s imperative that you consider some additional factors as your primary focus. Make it a point to compare the structure, features, and durability of your options, rather than selecting solely based on how they look. Some of the key things to look for when choosing your chair include:

  • Lumbar support—Make sure the chair you’re considering has proper support for your lower back to reduce overall back strain; some chairs may even feature adjustable lumbar support.
  • Adjustability—A good office chair has at least five points of adjustability, from arm and seat height, to back angle and tension control. More adjustable points lead to a chair that can be customized to fit your body properly.
  • Wheel base—Depending on your office, you may need a chair with wheels that are better suited to rolling across carpet; ease of rolling reduces strain on your muscles.
  • Swivel base—If you frequently need to access different parts of your desk, you’ll want to be sure to choose a chair with a swivel base to prevent fatigue caused by reaching for objects.
  • Fabric—Look for breathable fabric that will prevent discomfort due to heat and sweating. You’ll also want to ensure the seat of the chair is well cushioned.

Once you’ve narrowed your search down to office chairs that fulfill your criteria, you can begin to search for chair candidates that reflect your personal taste and office décor.

Try before you buy

So you think you’ve found a chair; it has adjustable lumbar support, multiple points of adjustment, and it looks fantastic. Before you whip out your credit card and order it, bear in mind that a chair can meet every point on your checklist and look absolutely perfect on paper and still not be the right office chair for you. Your next step is to head out to your local office furniture store, such as Office Furniture Expo, and try out the chair in person.

Some of the things you’ll want to check:

  • Make sure the backrest follows your spine shape, supports your lower back, and is adjustable.
  • Your feet should be able to rest flat on the floor; adjusting the chair height may be necessary.
  • The height of the chair arms should be adjustable and able to match the height of your desk while remaining close to your body and allowing your shoulders to relax.
  • Ensure the height of the chair allows you to sit facing forward with your computer screen at eye level.
  • Check to make sure the back of the chair comes to at least the middle of your shoulder blades; above your shoulders is even better still.
  • Be sure you can fit two or three fingers between the edge of your seat and the back of your knees.
  • Check the cushion material; memory foam is preferable to traditional chair cushions that can wear out quickly.

Office Furniture Expo is your friendly office furniture superstore, serving Atlanta and surrounding communities. Whether you’re searching for an ergonomic office chair, conference table, or office desk, our team is dedicated to helping you find quality furniture for your office that will never break your budget.

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