A new year is upon us and, with it, a host of new trends, colors and styles for every office. Along with a fresh twist on current trends, those looking to bring a new look to their offices will want to be on the lookout for new styles and products that will improve the look and feel of their business space.


If you’ve been thinking about adding some color to your office this year, you’ll be happy to know that this thinking is right on trend. Gray laminate is going to be in demand for office furniture and decor in 2018. Pantone’s Color of the Year, Ultra Violet, is a deep and lovely jewel tone that adds drama without darkness, and will grab the attention with its intensity. If you’re not yet ready to give up your neutral palette, the best news is that you don’t have to worry about breaking the rules.

Whether it’s your office or lobby, adding pops of color in the form of accessories, furniture, or even new paint can give your space a significant boost. Colorful plants can even do double duty, cleaning the air as they beautify the room.


Remember when computer desks and other office furniture looked and felt as if they were made of stone? All that bulk used to be fashionable, but, thankfully, in 2018 it’s out with the dark and heavy, and in with the light and airy.

What’s 2018 office furniture got in store for you? Think light colors and open shelving. The cleaner lines of modern furniture also add to the simpler look and feel, making the room look bigger and brighter, without the dark and heavy clutter.

Furniture as a Tool for Health

By now, you’ve likely heard about the dangers of sitting too long, and its potential effects on employee health. What’s great is that you can do something about it with adaptable and ergonomic furniture like a Sit to Stand desk.

Adaptable furniture allows your employees to sit or stand whenever they choose. In just a few simple movements, Sit to Stand desk can be raised to accommodate standing and lowered again when it’s time to sit. If you want to add this option to your current furniture, that’s easily done with retrofit products that attach to or sit on existing desks to allow for raising and lowering of computer monitors.

Ergonomic chairs can help prevent the poor posture which can lead to back pain and spinal problems. These chairs are available in a wide range of options, which means you can accommodate the individual needs of your employees while staying stylish at the same time.

The healthy furniture trend is far more than just a trend; it provides an opportunity for the employee to choose better health, and it places full control of this in their hands.

Another part of healthy office furniture is enhanced accessibility. 2018’s accessible offices will feature inclusive spaces and innovative adaptive chairs that allow employees with physical challenges to move as easily as their office-mates.

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