Your environment plays an important role in your success at work. Having a clean and organized office space will help you become more productive and make you appear more professional. Keep your office furniture in great shape by following these tips:

Avoid Eating or Drinking Around Your Office Furniture

Eating lunch at your desk might seem like a great way to multi-task, but it can put your office furniture at risk for getting damaged. If you eat at your desk, you might end up dropping food that stains your desk or chair. Beverages can also stain your furniture and even water can be damaging to certain materials. Avoid eating or drinking near your office furniture and clean up any spills that might happen as quickly as possible. Purchase breakroom furniture and chairs that are resistant to staining.

Dust and Vacuum Regularly

How do you clean your furniture at home? A similar routine can help keep your office furniture durable and looking great! Use a feather-duster or clean cloth to gently wipe away any dust that might build up on your office furniture throughout the week. If your furnishings need a deeper cleaning, wet a clean cloth with warm water so it is slightly damp and use that to remove dust and dirt from furniture. You can also use your vacuum’s brush attachment to remove dirt and debris from fabric furnishings.

Read the Labels

Regular dusting and vacuuming will remove regular dirt buildup from your office furniture. But spills and other accidents might require deeper cleaning. If your furniture gets too dirty, look for any labels that can help you figure out the best way to clean it. Certain materials require specific cleaning products, which is why it is important to read labels carefully before using any cleaning products on your furnishings.

Now that you know how to care for office furniture, it is time to find new pieces for your workspace! Office Furniture Expo Atlanta offers a variety of office furnishings including desks, chairs, tables, bookcases, and much more. Call us at (678) 894-1869 for more information.

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