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Tips for Practicing Yoga in the Office

Sitting at your desk all day can quickly lead to muscle aches in the neck, shoulders, and lower back. One way to avoid this pain is to practice office yoga once a day for 10 to 15 minutes. To begin your yoga session, rub your hands together to generate heat then place...

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How to Clean Fabric Furniture in the Office

With the right amount of care and maintenance, your custom office furniture from Office Furniture Expo Atlanta could last years longer than you may have ever expected. To reduce the impact that simple stains have on your fabric furniture items, be sure to pretest any...

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Creating a Zen Home Office Design

For many people, the home office is the most mismatched room in the home. It often serves as storage space for non-work related items, and the office furniture rarely melds with the overall design of the room. Although selecting artful office furniture is one step...

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