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Choosing Wall Art for Your Office

Whether it catches the eye right away or stays in the background, wall art can have a considerable effect on the ambience of your workspace. Having art on the walls can make visitors feel at ease, help employees feel more at home, and help to create a particular mood...

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FAQs About Ergonomic Office Chairs

If you want to keep your employees comfortable while they work, you shouldn't overlook the advantages of investing in high-quality ergonomic furniture for your office. Ergonomic office chairs are particularly important for ensuring that your employees stay healthy....

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Choosing the Right Desks for Your Office

Having the right desk is essential for ensuring a positive and productive work environment. You want to find a desk that will be comfortable and stylish to sit at, of course, but you also want to find one that will make it easier for you to stay organized and on task....

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Choosing Office Furniture for Cubicles

There are so many possible ways to furnish a work space that it can be difficult to narrow down your options. If you're trying to pick out office furniture for a workspace that uses cubicles, you should be sure to choose carefully. Here are some guidelines to keep in...

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What Height Should Your Desk Be?

If you're like most people, you probably spend multiple hours a day sitting at your desk. If you want to avoid back and neck problems, it's important to make sure that your desk is the appropriate height for you. For most adults who are around 5'7 to 5'10, a desk...

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Office Furniture Trends for 2018

A new year is upon us and, with it, a host of new trends, colors and styles for every office. Along with a fresh twist on current trends, those looking to bring a new look to their offices will want to be on the lookout for new styles and products that will improve...

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Designing the Perfect Home Office

Working from home is an amazing opportunity because it allows you true comfort and efficiency, but working from home also has its downfalls. If your home office isn't effectively separated from the rest of your home or if it's too laid back, you may be falling short...

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